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发布时间: 2016-04-18 13:24:50   作者:王延巍   浏览次数:

Invitation for Bids


The People’s Republic of China


CMC International Tendering Co., LTd.





Sino-German Finalcial Cooperation- China Investment Programme KfW Promotional Loan for Xinjiang Vocational University

Sino-German (Xinjiang) Vocational Education Training Base

(Package IV - Teaching and network platform equipment)

Bid No.: 0702-1650CITC4001

标号.: 0702-1650CITC4001

In accordance with the state to state Loan Agreement between Ministry of Finance of P.R. China and KfW for Sino-German (Xinjiang) Vocational Education Training Base Project. CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as “Tender Agent”) entrusted by Xinjiang Vocational University (Herein after referred to as “Tenderee”) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the supply and delivery of equipments and services specified hereinafter for the above mentioned project (details as per Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications). The Tenderee intends to apply all the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the Contract for which this Bidding Document is issued.

根据中国财政部与KfW为中德(新疆)职业教育实训基地项目签订的国家间贷款协议,中机国际招标有限公司(以下称“招标代理”)受新疆职业大学(以下称“招标人”)的委托,现在邀请有资格为上述描述的项目(见招标文件第八章 货物需求一览表及技术规格)提供和交付设备和服务的投标人参


We hereby invite: The Manufacturers or Companies registered and operated from within the People’s Republic of China and all countries which have regular trade relations with PRC to participate in the Bid. Supply of the goods and services financed under Sino-German Financial Cooperation Promotional Loan shall be tendered and contracted as one contract with a successful Supplier/Contractor. Any local or third countries goods and services shall be included in this tendering whether in this Contract or in Supplies or Sub-contracts, with the successful Supplier/Contractor being responsible towards the Tendering Agent.



This Invitation for Bids is open to all Manufacturers and/or Companies registered and operated from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with the PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries/areas”)


The Suppliers may participate only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tendering Agent and the Tenderee.


A consortium as the Bidder is not accepted.


The bidder shall qualify with the following requirements:


1, 投标人是响应招标、已在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。任何未在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投标。

The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent, and participated in the bid. Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid.

2, 除非另有规定,凡是来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区(以下简称“合格来源国/地区”)的供货人均可投标。

This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal persons or other organizations from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries/areas”), except as provided hereinafter.

3, 与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人或其他组织不得参加投标。

Any legal person or other organization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate in the bid.

4, 接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人或其他组织不得参加受托项目的投标,也不得 为该项目的投标人编制投标文件或者提供咨询。

Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or to prepare the bidding document is not allowed to participate in the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bidder.

5, 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。

Different bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management shall not participate in the bids for the same package, except for the case to form a joint venture to bid.

6, 只有在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。

The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent.

7, 投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国国际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:


Bidders shall successfully complete registration on http://www.chinabidding.com (hereinafter abb. as “the Website”) and http://www.china-tender.com.cn prior to the deadline for submission of bids stipulated in the bidding document. Otherwise, the bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by bidders.

8, 参加本项目投标前三年内,投标人在经营活动中没有重大违法记录。

Within three years before the tender, the bidder has no major illegal record in the business activities.

9, 投标人法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人不得同时参加投标。

Two or more than two legal persons do not participate in the bid at the same time when they have same legal representative.

10, 投标人须具有完善的质量保证体系,并通过ISO9000质量体系认证,以及完善的环境管理体系ISO14000/ISO14001 认证。

The bidder shall have a sound quality assurance system and pass ISO9000 quality system certification, as well as environment management system certification of ISO14000/ISO14001.

11, 投标人有执行本项目相应的财务能力,中国境内投标人注册资金5000万元及以上。

The bidder has the corresponding financial capability of the project, and the registered capital of domestic bidder shall be 50 million yuan and above.


For the last three years Bidders shall have a minimum average annual construction turnover of 20 Million Euro of the equivalent of 20 Million Euro (The source of exchange rate shall be the Selling Exchange rate issued by the Bank of China on the time of publishing Bid). Bidders shall submit audited financial statements of the last three years in its Bids.

13, A. 投标人须具有长期的国际贸易经营,类似领域、类似贷款项目的打包能力。

Bidders shall have long-term international trade experience, integrating capability in similar sector, such loans projects, experience of undertaking such projects.

B. 在近3年内(2013年至今,以验收证明签订日期为准),投标人作为总包商应有二个外国政府贷款(赠款)或国际金融组织贷款职业教育设备采购成功的项目业绩,合同金额最少为200万欧元或等同于200万欧元(以招标公告发布时间中国银行对外公布的卖出价汇率为准),且无不良记录。

Bidders who as General Contractor shall have at least two successfully completed vocational education equipments purchasing project with foreign government loans (grants) or international financial organizations for the last 3 years (year 2012 till to now, the date of sign FAC will be prevail), with a value of at least 2 Million Euro or equivalent value of 2 Million Euro (The source of exchange rate shall be the Selling Exchange rate issued by the Bank of China on the time of publishing Bid), without any bad record.

C. 投标时应提供满足招标人要求的相关证明文件,包括成功项目的采购合同和最终验收证明的彩色扫描件,至少应包括项目名称、合同总金额、签字页以及项目联系人、联系电话等信息,原件备查。

Bidders shall provide documentation sufficient to the reasonable satisfaction of the Tenderee. Such successfully projects documentations include colorized scan copies of Contract Agreement and Final Acceptance Certificate, at least include the name of project, contract value, signature pages and contact person, contact telephone number. The original of those documents shall be kept for examination.

Media publishing notification of bidding


This invitation for bids will be published on both “www.chinabidding.com” and “GTAI”.


All of above mentioned Manufacturers and/or companies are kindly requested to contact CITC for obtaining qualification and Bidding Document between 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Beijing Time) starting from April 18, 2016 to April 27, 2016 (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays excepted) in Beijing at the address given below, upon non-refundable payment of RMB 7500.00 or USD 1200.00 or EUR 1000.00 for the Bidding Document. Upon written request of the Bidder, the Bidding Documents can also be delivered by a special courier at an additional payment of US$ 30 or EUR 20.00 (destination abroad) or RMB 200 (destination within PR China).

所有上述提到的生产厂家和/或者公司被要求从CITC获得资格和招标文件,于2016418日起至427日,每天上午9时—11时和下午2时—4时(北京时间)从下列地址处购买文件, 每套文件无返回的为7500元人民币或1200美元或1000欧元。应投标商书面要求,招标文件可通过特快专递邮寄,邮寄费30美元或20欧元(目的地在境外)或200人民币(目的地在中国境内)。

The Bid may be forwarded by mail, courier or delivered in person.


1, be forwarded by mail or courier to the office address of the Tendering Agent at or before 12:00 a.m. on May 31, 2016 (Beijing Time). Mailed Bids received after this date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. If the Bids are submitted by a special courier, the special courier number must be informed in written fax to CITC at least 4 days before the Bid Opening.

通过邮寄或派专人递送的特快专递件方式,投标书须在201653112时(北京时间)之前送达招标机构办公地点。 不接受在此日期和时间后收到的邮寄投标书并且不开封退回。 如果通过派专人递送的特快专递提交,请在开标日期至少4天前传真通知招标机构快件号码。

2, be delivered in person at or before 9:30 a.m. on June 1, 2016 (Beijing Time). Personally delivered Bids received after this date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened.

派人送达的投标书须在201661930分(北京时间)之前送达。不接受在此日期和时间后收到的派人送达的 投标书并且不开封退回。

The Bids shall be opened at 9:30 a.m. onJune 1, 2016 Beijing Time).

投标文件于201661日上午 930分开标。

The Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security with an amount comply with

request and valid for a period of 150 days as from the Bid Opening Date.


The Tender shall be interpreted in accordance with the current laws of the People’s Republic of China.


Office address of the Tendering Agent:


CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (CITC)


Rm1104, Genertec Plaza, No.90, Xisanhuan Zhonglu, Fengtai District, 100055 Beijing, P.R. China

中国 北京 丰台区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦1104 房间

Tel 电话: 86 10 6334 8450/6334 8449

Fax 传真: 86 10 6334 8445

Attn: Ms. Wang Yanwei/Ms.Yang Yuhong


E-mail: wangyanwei@citc.genertec.com.cn
